All Customer Reviews for "Personalized Martini Glass"
Average Customer Review: 5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 3 Reviews
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5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Very pleased with both product and service
Reviewer: Kinsey  (Milwaukee, WI)
I bought 2 of these for a gift and the recipient loved them. Very well made, the engraving was nice, and was happy with the size! Once it shipped, it arrived in just a couple days. I'd have to say the best part though is the stellar customer service i received. Thank you!


5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Loved this personalized glass!
Reviewer: Jess  (Houston, Tx)
This personalized gift was for our kids Nana and she loved it!!!


4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5 Perfect personalized martini glasses!
Reviewer: Rene Godwin  (McDavid, FL)
I ordered a pair of these martini glasses for a customer who was retiring. Had them personalized with the customer's last name. They were a hit...he loved them. Thank you for an amazing, memorable gift!


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