
Love Forever Wedding Heart Dance Floor Decal

Love Forever Wedding Heart Dance Floor Decal


Regular Price: $129.95

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Chris & Amy (Line 1)
11-21-2040 (Line 2)


I Love You!

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Letter ordering for monogram.

Monogram Standard Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Middle Last) John M. Smith = JMS

For Monogram Fancy Font:
Please type in the initials: (First Last Middle) John M. Smith =  JSM (The "Last" initial will be enlarged)


Product Features:

Love on the dance floor - what could be better! Our gorgeous Love Forever Wedding Heart Dance Floor Decal is perfect for a wedding, anniversary, or other romantic occasions. The romantic decal features irresistible stylized writing of the words "love forever", and gorgeous pink heart details, that are sure to capture the attention of your cherished friends and family.

Remember the beautiful vows you made, with a love that lasts forever. Personalize the decal by including you and your partner's name and the special date, so you can hold onto the cherished memory of this night with all of your heart.

The love heart decal is ideal for rented venues, or for transforming your own home into a romantic paradise. The romantic decal holds onto the floor reliably and peels off easily, leaving the floor in good condition without any sticky residue. Dance the night away, with a dance floor decal that celebrates the magic of love, and grows a smile in your heart.

You will be smiling as you show your beautiful bridesmaids how it's really done on the dance floor! Kick off your heels and celebrate your dreams blossoming to life, with a gorgeous wedding dance floor decal beneath your feet!

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