Can your community build your Self-Worth?

Can your community build your Self-Worth?

Over the last decade, many changes have taken place that has affected how we develop close relationships with one another and how we keep those bonds strong.  With the emergence of the internet and social media, we learn to make connections faster and become more responsive. In today’s world, we are constantly connected in some ways or another by our online virtual communities or our physical small group communities.  Our circle of influence may seem quite large and expansive but as we take a deeper look inward within ourselves and look at our position in these communities, we soon discover that we may not have a strong psychological connection to them as we may think.


Motherhood is a time in a women’s life that a real sense of community is needed most.  Going through this life changing stage transforms a women’s role at home and in public.  It is one of the life stages that will have many challenges and uncertainties that will test our endurance, our decision making skills and our self worth.  We must choose to find family members, friends and mentors that will have a positive influence in our motherhood journey. There are a lot of advice coming from all different directions telling us how to raise our kids and how to be a better mom but we found that there are 3 powerful principles that can direct us in finding the right community or  #TrueFam that will lead us to find our #TrueSelf.


In our search for a sense of deeper connection and understanding, we must first look for people who believe that life has a bigger purpose than just you and me. Life is shaped by something greater than us.  Motherhood certainly shows us that the birth of a baby is a miracle in itself and that we alone are not responsible for this miracle. If we believe that there is creator that made us and the world we live in, then we will never be alone and will always have someone by our side during challenging times.  He will lift us when things get tough and give us strength to endure the impossible. With hope in our hearts, we will feel a sense of purpose in life.

Secondly, we must do things that will make us happy.  Being a mom is hard work but at the same time very fulfilling.  We must learn to listen to our inner voice to what feels right even when friends and families tell us otherwise.  Many times we force ourselves to do things and make decisions that does not make us happy at the end because we did it for monetary reasons or did to make others happy.  If we continually choose to find people, experiences or things that are toxic to our life, it will eventually affect our overall happiness. Choose to find things that creates value in our life and find people who are role models by paving a path for us in the right direction.

Lastly, believe that “everything you need is within you”.   We are all born with great potentials but we seldom use 100% of that potential.  Mothers have the great potential to be leaders of their communities and educators to their children about life.  It us up to us to choose what path we want to take. If we learn to seek inwardly instead of outwardly for happiness and fulfillment, we can unlock the rest of our potential and become a better version of ourselves with the passing of each day.  Knowing that we have this power can help us understand what is possible and in turn help others that are going through the same thing.

As a Mom of 5 and co-founder of since 1999,  I have faced many challenges.   Every day I have to consciously jungle my work life and my family life.  Learning to find fulfillment when things don’t go the way it should and still be able to stand up tall and face another day with a smile is a choice I learn we make. These principles guide us in the right direction in finding our #TrueFam.   It is when we understand our inner self, we enable ourselves to reach out and enrich our life to connect at a deeper level. We no longer look for a membership number but become the “community” and live out the community experience with authenticity. One of the communities that has developed a #TrueFam is True and Co. Their sense of community and creative ways makes a women feel beautiful.  

Life is a cycle that requires us to keep evolving and changing within our communities.  Once we say we have arrived and made it, it is a sign that we have stopped learning and experiencing life at its fullest.  Always Live Better, Love better and Pass it on and Celebrate Life with Love, Trust, Faith.