Seeing With Your Heart

Seeing With Your Heart

Seeing with your heart and not your eyes is something we must practice over and over again. Let us take a look into the apple industry.  It is interesting when you watch how apples are picked, cleaned and packed for selling to consumers. Every apple is harvested from the farm but only a few make it down the conveyor belt and into our grocery store.  Only the unblemished ones are picked. This same process is replicated in every Industry. We never think much of what happens to the apples that don’t make it to the grocery store. Rarely do most of us care about the bad apples, we only seem to care about the ones that are best in its class.  

Surprisingly, the bad apples do have a special place, some are sold at discount grocery stores for less due to their imperfections, some are crushed and turned into applesauce, some are juiced to make apple juice or used to make  ingredients to other food preparation. There are so many things these imperfect apples can be used for.

You can see that your eyes can trick you most of the time, making you think that only the best, the new and the perfect things in life are the ones that make a difference and are beneficial for you.  From our insight in the apple industry, imperfect things sometimes are the hidden gems that makes life a bit more interesting and actually adds to life’s fullness. Instead of only thinking that the perfect car, the perfect house, the perfect job or even the perfect spouse can make your life better, think of how you can use those little flaws and imperfections to its advantage.  Knowing how to do this will make your life more interesting and fulfilled. When we start seeing with our hearts and less with our eyes, we will begin to see beauty, benefits and value in things, people, and circumstances we would overlook with our eyes.  Build your heart muscle so you can see more clear.

**Click on the quote below to see how you can increase your Heart Muscle by giving more with thoughtfulness**

The real voyage of discovery consists

not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes

-Marcel Proust-