Wellness Wednesday- Spring Fasting to a healthier lifestyle

Wellness Wednesday- Spring Fasting to a healthier lifestyle

We are currently in the Spring Season which signals, blooming of flowers, organizing and cleaning of our house to fasting and cleansing of our negativity and exhibiting self control over our lifestyle.  Self control is hard these days because there are so many temptations out there that make us give in to the goals and rules we set with ourselves and others. A great way to start a healthy lifestyle is to start having self control.  Spring season is a good time to start doing a intermittent fasting, which doesn’t mean starving yourself but putting some restriction in your daily food diet and habits. Fasting can be viewed as simply a change in eating patterns, or a change in habits.  For our new engaged couples, newly weds and married couples, intermittent fasting can be a easy way to maintain the healthy habits you started during your wedding journey.

Think about eating smaller meals instead of three main meals in a day and restrict a time where you will not eat, such as past 7pm.  Incorporate whole fresh foods in your eating habits, and eliminate processed foods, high sugar foods and drinks and limit carbohydrate intakes, such as rice, pasta and bread. By being intentional about what you put into your body, your mind will also begin to change its pattern of thinking.  With increasing self control, there will be an increase in empowerment over your life, along with more energy, focus and clearer thinking . Change in lifestyle always starts from the inside out and not the other way around.  You will become transformed emotionally, spiritually and physically.  For more readings on fastings and different types of fastings, click here.

Need a little help in keeping up with your daily healthy food intake?  Try some of these.