Wellness Wednesday- Gentleness can save a relationship

Wellness Wednesday- Gentleness can save a relationship

A gentle and quiet spirit is often time taken for granted.  In a world that is so busy and full of noise, being loud, pushy and harsh takes center stage.  The need to stand out and be heard is today’s motto.  We as a society have forgotten what it means to be still and have a gentle and tenderness towards one another.  This unforgiving and demanding character has rubbed off on us and has over flowed into our personal lives and the relationship we have with our family and spouse.

We avoid being gentle and tenderhearted fearing that it may appear to others that we are weak and vulnerable.  In a relationship over time we tend to say harsh words to one another to show how much strength we have and how strong we stand behind our beliefs.   The tendency to be gentle has slowly faded as time passes.   We forget how to give in to one another, even when the other person is wrong; instead we stand our ground as long as we can.  Expressing gentleness is actually the opposite of what we may think; gentleness shows a sign of self control, strength and self awareness and not weakness and vulnerability.  Learning to express gentleness in many ways increases understanding and forgiveness in a relationship.  Choose to be an uplifting spirit rather than a spirit crusher.