Decorating Your Wedding

Today’s brides usually want to decorate their ceremony and reception sites with favorite color and floral themes. You may choose to create an entire wedding theme using elaborate decorations and backdrops. Or, you may simply want a few flowers and candles to enhance your ceremony sit and dinner tables.

In many cases, decorations need to be set to just prior to the ceremony at the church and taken down immediately afterwards. Likewise reception tables are often not ready for decoration until an hour or two before dinner. There usually isn’t enough time for members of the wedding party to take on the decorating task. If you prefer to have a hand in your own decorating, look for decorations that can be prepared ahead and a very responsible person to arrange them according to your wishes.

If you choose to have a florist prepare arrangements and decorations, be sure to discus whether she/he will also set decorate, and remove the items after the wedding. If you choose a professional decorator, they will take care of these tasks as a part of their duties, as well as create the decorations themselves.

Professional decorators and florists generally have an inventory of rental items that can be customized to carry out your wedding theme. It’s wise to rent table centerpieces, vases, mirrors, silk and dried flower arrangements, pedestals, arc ways, and plants that you will only use for one day. Similar items can also be rented from part rental or wedding specialty stores. Combine these items with ribbons, tulle, or lace swags, candles and wreaths to make beautiful customized wedding decorations.

Another money saving idea: consider using ceremony decorations at the reception site as well – but again, be sure that someone responsible will transport them quickly and set them up artistically at the reception before your guests arrive!

Reference: The Wedding Guide