Wellness Wednesday- Time To Rebuild

Time To Rebuild

Rebuilding something that has been torn down and shattered into many pieces can be an exhausting and defeating task for most of us to do.  Sometimes the tedious task of rebuilding can build up strength and character that we never thought existed in us.

When a relationship has slowly unraveled, and appears to have come to an end, we just keep adding to the unraveling instead of trying to have the “glue” ready to put the pieces together.  We assume that it would just be easier to let the pieces fall apart instead of looking for the goodness that once existed.  If we can just give our full attention and time into seeing what is needed to be repaired instead of focusing on how the other person has hurt us, we can then move past that hurt into a place of healing.   Once we move into to a place of healing, we can then find the many reasons to rebuild and the tools needed to build a stronger foundation, with more love and more vigor.  Spring is always a time to see the hard work that was planted in the previous season and its splendor is in full bloom.  We want to give our relationship that time of harvesting and nurturing for it to fully bloom into something beautiful.