Posted By : Date : admin | 04-19-2017
After a fun filled week of Easter Celebration, the wonders of Springtime can still be seen by the rainbow of colors in the flower beds seen throughout the community.  Spring mindfulness doesn’t stop after Easter but still continues on.  Mindfulness is the state of being aware and alert to the present moment.  By being mindful to our bodies, our environment, and in our relationships, we can begin to feel a sense of connectedness in everything we do and are more open to the needs of others.   During Spring, nature works…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-12-2017
Rebuilding something that has been torn down and shattered into many pieces can be an exhausting and defeating task for most of us to do.  Sometimes the tedious task of rebuilding can build up strength and character that we never thought existed in us. When a relationship has slowly unraveled, and appears to have come to an end, we just keep adding to the unraveling instead of trying to have the “glue” ready to put the pieces together.  We assume that it would just be easier to let the pieces…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 04-05-2017
  Love is a strong emotion which we all know and either embrace or try to ignore its power.  Most of us don’t think of Love as anything else other than an emotion or feeling. We often say I love you to show kindness to the other person, letting them know we care about them but may not truly mean it.  Why do husband and wives sometimes are doubtful that the other one truly means I love you when they say it?  Love is often misunderstood because it is used…
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Posted By : Date : admin | 12-28-2016
  For the month of December, your to do list probably looks like a shopping list filled with gifts to get and return, rather than a goal oriented to do list.  Our main purpose during the month of December is to get the perfect gift, at the best price and giving it to the right person. What happens after we give the gift, open the presents attended all the Christmas/Holiday parties?  The few days before New Year’s, we are sort of at limbo, looking forward to the New Year and…
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