Wellness Wednesday- Dress Rehearsal for 2017



For the month of December, your to do list probably looks like a shopping list filled with gifts to get and return, rather than a goal oriented to do list.  Our main purpose during the month of December is to get the perfect gift, at the best price and giving it to the right person. What happens after we give the gift, open the presents attended all the Christmas/Holiday parties?  The few days before New Year’s, we are sort of at limbo, looking forward to the New Year and getting ready to kiss the old year goodbye.  Some of us find ourselves not being very productive at work and at home.

To overcome being caught in this limbo state, first you must re-wire your brain to not think that on December 31 is a day that all the bad things that happened that year will magically go away when January 1st rolls in.   We can be hopeful that 2017 will be a better year but know that baggage will carry over to the next year.  It us up to us to unload that baggage and slowly sort, throw out, and organize where you want that baggage to be in your life.   Know that in order to feel confident that 2017 will be a successful year, failures and unpredictable events will always pop up in your life, it is how fast you “fail” is how you will overcome it. (source: Pastor Rick Warren).  Second, you need to find a “Goal” not a “New Year Resolution” in place for 2017 so that the days of limbo will not exist. Finally, you must always keep yourself active by doing things that matter in your life and not let the “time wasting” things fill up your schedule.  Being a “Jack of all trades” will lead you to a limbo state every time, instead do things that will matter in your life.

Always know that each day is like a dress rehearsal for a big show that you will eventually perform.  Always refine and polish up on the specific things that will make you shine in your performance.  Remember, your performance is your life, how well you rehearse is how well you will perform.  Take care of yourself today and tomorrow will take care of itself.  #livebetter #lovebetter #marriage4life #values #giftgiving#wellnesswednesday
