Wellness Wednesday Love In Action

Live Better- Love in action


Love is a strong emotion which we all know and either embrace or try to ignore its power.  Most of us don’t think of Love as anything else other than an emotion or feeling. We often say I love you to show kindness to the other person, letting them know we care about them but may not truly mean it.  Why do husband and wives sometimes are doubtful that the other one truly means I love you when they say it?  Love is often misunderstood because it is used as an emotion being felt instead of a Love that is in action.  If we only see love as an emotion, this is where our relationships is dependent on receiving that love back and the amount of love we give is determined by how much the other person has sacrificed for us or is sympathetic with us. This love becomes “conditional”.

Emotions have a beginning and an end; it is easily moldable and generalized.  When we first start any relationship we get to know one another and we learn to figure out the other person’s weakness and strength and with the passing of time, we learn to adjust to the likes and dislike of the other person.  We start doing things for each other out of kindness which we mistaken for love.    To truly know love we have to see “love in action”, meaning that we must not see it just as a feeling/emotion but as an act, a force that is hard like a diamond that will last forever.  Unconditional love is not spontaneous and cannot be easily changed but its value is determined by the action or the will to do what is good for the other person.  It is not based on sympathy for the other person but a personal connection to the other person.  When we practice “love in action” our conditional love will turn into unconditional love.  When this happens, this love will be inseparable.